torsdag 6 januari 2011

I en annan del av världen...

Jodå, så atte... Long time, no see, Dr. Jones!!!

First of all, we are working on a new homepage, since this one was more or less temporary... And we don't care much about Myspace. So, from this moment the new address to this page (and the fourthcoming homepage) is:

(även www.gubbkä ifall du känner dig lite svensson-tokig.)

As we told you before, we started recording our LP a while ago, but we changed rehearsal/studio-room and the plan was to record the last stuff in the new place.
Men dra på trissor!!  The new place sounds soo much better, so we decided to record all of it again. This means that we have to get Poffen (TOTALITÄR) and all of the other of our neanderthal-friends drunk enough to sing/play in the studio once again... Doh.

But hey! It's a good thing. Maybe this time we'll have the time to get some work done on the songs, and now it's about 13-14 songs...

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